Tranquility True Massage
Unity Wellness Center | About me | What is Alternative Medicine? | Why should I get a massage? | What is E.F.T.? | Lymphatic Drainage Therapy | What is homeopathy? | What is Energy Healing? | Some helpful sites | Realblog

A little about me...

Although I have always had in interest in health and healing, my path as a healing practitioner began in 1988 when I graduated from the South Bay School of Massage and Bodywork in California.  The coursework included basic physiology and anatomy as well history of healing, methodology and techniques.  A short time after completing that program, while working on a client, I perceived an energy obstruction.  No classroom experience could have prepared me for what I was sensing. I followed my intuition by asking several follow-up questions of my client. From that, I made an assessment of his particular health issue, which I related to him.  He returned a few weeks later and informed me that my assessment motivated him to talk to his primary care physician about this particular health issue.  After several conventional medicine tests, it was determined my assessment was correct and he was treated for his ailment.  I was amazed and humbled to learn that it was possible to perceive energy in such a way.

Since then, I have studied various healing techniques including essential oil work, Reiki, Quantum Touch, Healing Touch and EFT.  I recently graduated from a doctoral program in natural health through Clayton College.  Coursework included classes in physiology, anatomy, herbology, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aruvedic Medicine, nutrition as well as various healing methods and modalities.  I continue to read, study and learn about dynamic healing and use my experience and education to bring the best possible result for my clients.




Ongoing training

I have always had an interest in the healing arts and continue to learn and practice new techniques. I have attended Young Living essential oil training and information sessions and use these oils in my massage and healing work.

Although I keep very active through my schedule, I realize the importance of finding ways to balance my life. To this end I practice meditation, prayer, journaling, yoga, T'ai Chi and Pilates. I believe it is important to practice what I preach.

So how do I get an appointment?

Typically I book a week or two out but I usually have a few openings throughout the day.  I can set up evening sessions, the first at 6:00 pm and the second beginning at 8:00 pm. I also book on weekends beginning at 10:00 a.m. and running approximately every two hours from that time.

If you would like more information or would like to book an appointment you may email me at or text me or call me--612-387-TRUE (8783). I look forward to getting you on my table.

Ask about my referral program