What is homeopathy?
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Homeopathic principles: gentle and holistic healing

The principles of homeopathy were first formulated at the end of the ninteenth century by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. He gave up the practice of conventional medicine when he found the therapies of his time to be ineffective and often harmful.  He did not resume practice until he discovered in homeopathy a means to help people heal gently, rapidly and reliably.

Homeopathy spread throughout Europe and the United States where, at the beginning of the 1900s, over 20% of all doctors practiced homeopathy. Although the United States experienced a dwindling interest in homeopathy in the twentieth century, other nations, including coutries in Europe and Asia were experiencing steady growth of homeopathic teachings and interest. 

Today, homeopathy has a particularly strong following in many countries including India, Switzerland, Mexico, Germany, Italy and England. Interest in homeopathy is also rising again in the United States where sales of homeopathic remedies are increasing at a rate of 12-15% each year.


The homeopath views a person's health as a condition of the entire individual rather than in terms of isolated symptoms.  It is important to note, homeopaths do not diagnose disease or treat diseases. Remedies are chosen that best correspond to the person's total state of health/illness. 

Because homeopathy acts at an energetic level, it has a broad effect; shifting mental, emotional and physical symptoms.  Homeopathy is used to assist people rather than treat an illness; therefore anyone, whatever his/her diagnosis, can benefit from homeopathic care. Homeopathy helps by increasing the individual's strength and resistance to disease and can be especially effective in relieving chronic health complaints. 

Homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies are usually made from plants and simple minerals. These substances are prepared by a process of repeated dilutions which, when taken as directed, stimulates the healing process.  Remedies are given to stimulate the whole body to heal itself, unlike traditional medicine which often simply masks specific symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are made at special FDA regulated and approved homeopathic pharmacies following strict production standards.

Stimulate healing
Homeopathic treatment, like all truly natural therapies, seeks to stimulate the innate healing power of the individual so that all physiological systems function at their best.  As a person moves toward his optimal level of general health, he feels better.  As a result, specific symptoms improve as the strengthened body defenses are activated.

The homeopathic consultation

The homeopathic process is both simple and noninvasive. It begins with an initial consultation and continues with follow-up visits to have your program monitored.

Essential to effective homeopathic care is the information that you provide to the practitioner, who will want you to describe, as fully as possible, the conditions that have caused you to seek homeopathic care. Your description should include everything that is characteristic of your condition. In addition to your symptoms, the homeopath needs to gain an understanding about you in general. He needs to know how vital and energetic you feel on the whole and how your sense of well-being changes as a result of outside factors. You will be asked about nutrition, food preferences, symptoms, exercise habits, family history and other individually specific factors.